I had fun yesterday. I was playing some Toybot Diaries 2 and zombies tower defence game giving comments and some personal reviews to my buddy Sean. Sean is the friend I graduated college with. He works with Iugo mobile and assists in making games and levels for the iTouch and iPhone.
Well I was playing TBD2 and I found a lot of stuff that I wasn't supposed to find. BTW these small things are far from easy to figure out unless you know how to brute force your way through puzzle games. And to put an afternoon short, I was called a jackass a lot because I kept doing things that weren't supposed to be done. It was fun.
On this one level where you have to magnetize yourself to a bar and find a way to move it out of your path. What is supposed to happen is the bar is moved then gets caught so you can't move it any more. What I did, and Sean got a huge kick out of it, was manage to find a way to take that bar with me through the entire level. I even used it to break some of the death traps. I then completed the level using the bar as skis.
Over all a very fun day. I have an uncanny knack for breaking the physics of games and make some of the most challenging puzzles or obstacles and find the most easiest way of achieving the goal. Which usually means I broke the game. On the other hand, I play the most simple and easy of levels and play them the most difficult way possible until it does what I want it to do. That also causes the game to break. Usually I have to restart from a checkpoint again once I'm done breaking things. There is the occasional time where it'll let me skip so much of the obstacles and grab achievements or collectables incredibly fast.
All my friends have asked me why I haven't gotten into the industry yet with my knack of breaking games and finding major bugs that should have never gotten through to final. I did the same thing testing FIFA09 OTP. I found a major bug that the DEV guys didn't find and it was a major bug that extended my job for another 2 weeks.
Higher EA execs were fuming. Not because the bug was found, but because it was so major and one of their guys didn't find it.
Anywho I have to header again. Grab some FFXI discs. If anyone is reading this I urge you to get Toybot Diaries for the iTouch or iPhone and Zombies. They are incredibly fun and addicting. Also get FIFA09 because it is really fun as well. EA has really improved on its sports titles. There was a day and age where 2K sports were better but the title best sports games is veering towards EA once again.
I should start writing game reviews on my web site or something. But that's just more work on a massive plate I already have. I have also put into pre-production of a flash game of mine. No title as of yet, well no finalized title, but I'll have that posted on my site by next week. Remember to Visit www.IANTORN.com.