Friday, January 16, 2009

New Everything!

Well it's incredibly early in the morning and a great amount of ideas sprang forth as well as a few realisms.

First: I am incredibly rusty on reviews and how to do them properly. I want to take personal pictures of the games and use them for examples but I don't know how and I don't want to constantly use GOOGLE.

Second: My website needs to be redesigned again because I have not had positive impressions on it. Back to the drawing board. Hopefully I'll make something easier on the eyes.

Third: I am learning how to customize a blog for mine is very boring to look at. no pictures with a standard template...bleeh.

Fourth: I am starting a web comic, and I realised I can't draw, so it's going to take a lot of practice to mimic my girlfriends style. That way I can draw my own stuff and not have it overly suck hard.

Fifth: My computer is dying... need a new one.

Sixth: I am starting to stop procrastinate. Hurrah for me. I'm getting into the just do it attitude even though I want to be a lazy bum.


Eighth: There is so much on my plate it's ridiculous. I want a job in the industry so bad. However from the feedback I keep getting, that is going to be close to impossible with what I'm showing now.

I really wish someone would have the guts to come to me and tell me what the hell I keep doing wrong. Nobody does and they keep it to themselves or they talk about it when I'm gone and they don't tell me anything. I end up having to find out the hard way and am stuck struggling to fix it. Like my website.

I know my demo reel looks like crap, but from advice from some people they told me just learn to sell it. I wasted 6 months digging a hole for myself and no one told me.

I am now looking at what I have and what I need and almost everything needs to change. I am going to work my butt to the bone to get what I need done. And for those that read this, please god tell me if something I'm doing is wrong. I'll learn way faster if someone points that out to me. If nobody does, I'll think what I'm doing is right and that will just kill all chances I have for going into the industry I am so passionate about.

It is slightly disheartening that out of all the people I've talked to and all the resumes and calls I've put out I've got nothing. No calls for an interview, not even a call or email of rejection. Absolute silence.

I am going to keep trucking though, Keep my goal in my eyes. I'll just reshape the path of how I'm going to get there.


Goodnight all.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Back and Starting on the New Year

Well I'm back from holidays and back in school. I am learning programming... and math... I hate math... but I love programming. Very weird I know. I guess the reason is putting math to practice instead of doing boring equations.

With in 20 minutes I managed to get a random monster encounter chart working using good old 'srand()time' stuff with the 'if' and 'else if' comments.

It's pretty fun overall.

I have started working on game reviews. Namely for LittleBigPlanet right now. I was going to write one for when I beat unsung heros, however I got LBP for Christmas and I have been playing at my friend Julia's house. My PS3 broke on the plane and will cost me $150 to fix. I am saddend.

I will have more to comment on a later date. I really should work on getting this review done and proofread and stuff. It's really hard trying to keep focused when I have mounds of homework waiting for me.

I guess I'll update tomorrow night.