Wednesday, June 24, 2009

A Day In The Office

Well...hmmm there apparently is this massive time lapse from the last time I blogged.

I am now working as a QA something at EAC (Electronic Arts Canada)

I have no idea what my job title is and I am still at a loss of words as to what it entails.

I've been doing this for a little over a month now.

I'm not entirely hired by EAC i'm contracting to them through VMC.

It's a confusing process which means I have a lot of responsibility and a work load that could kill a donkey with a wonderful wage of $11/hour.

Beautiful I know right?

I'm doing what I can to get a wider step into the glorious world of Video Games.
(And a new computer as mine died as I said earlier I think...can't quite remember and far to lazy to look back and read if I mentioned it.)

I've missed so many funny and care free stories I've wanted to post.
(In funny and care free I mean rip my hair out frusteration and clubbing baby seals fun)

Blogging at work is hard and not recommended. People assume that you have nothing to do so they give you more work and then the original point of the matter is lost.

Anywho with my long hibernating blog fingers, I will sign off for today...

Damn you EA for making me forget my point...

And to think, people other then me (most of the time) do their jobs and work. Why does beauracracy have to work sometimes and not just fail or succeed.