I've always liked hockey, but I would only watch team Canada games or the Flames games when I could. I found myself watching the entire play off run and found myself watching games from teams that did not have anything to do with me. I would like to point out that my roommate now owes me money because I bet the Kings would win in 6.
And it's not just hockey. Ever since I was acting assistant producer for the FIFA Live Team, I've begun to be engrossed in the sport. From knowing close to nothing, being told that I struggle with football knowledge when one in my position should have it come naturally in order to keep the 'Authentic' feel when making promotions, I have found that I can name a lot of the players by face now, I know the majority of the clubs names in about 11 leagues; I know the major names, the rising stars, and managers/head coaches. I have learned a lot and find myself wanting to watch more. Always more. There has got to be something there that a psychiatrist could pull out and I could only begin to speculate.
I do ask a lot of questions, for there are things out there that I don't know - and thing that I know I don't know. There are often times I sit there, in a wave of doubt, not knowing what I'm doing and have no clue on the direction I need to go. There are times when people expect me to know things, they take for granted the thought that they think I know what I'm doing, but the story of my career is that I've been winging it. I actually got direction today, though I think I gave my superior at work a scare.
For the most part, my over clueless-ness has been hidden by a good working team. All the processes were set up already, all the major hurdles crosses, all I had to do was tweak what was there to adapt and not screw up. I'm great with taking something already there and making sure it doesn't break and the seems are patched up when needed, but when I was put into a place, told to rock that position, and expand - I was sailing in an ocean without wind and a crew. How do I take it to the next level? How do I row a boat? How do I form a crew?
I managed to get this far without knowing what to asking with the skin of my teeth thinking I would understand it all soon. Truth is, I still don't understand, but I got direction on how I could begin to understand. This is something no-one has truly told me, as nobody truly understood my problems, namely because I did not know how to distinguish my problems. After a nice chat with my bosses boss, he understood my problem without me completely understanding it. I was almost scared of confronting him about it as I did not want to be moved off again to another project, lose my job, ect. Something everyone fears. With the problems kind of understood, I have at least a plan of attack for the initial phase.
It doesn't help that throughout my career, I've felt kind of used and pushed aside or just plainly ignored. I try finding new places to work and I have never gotten past handing in a resume, no calls, no opportunities, nothing. While I've been working, I've left a trail of promotions. Every person that I have worked with, worked hard with, and excelled with, has gotten a promotion once I stopped working closely with them. Have I been that bad of a worker? No, clearly I have not been or I would not be in a project manager position. This just put further doubts into my mind to where I have almost given up doing anything in the career path I once so passionately loved.
However, back to my direction. I have one. Kind of. I want to do this as best as I can and expand as best as I can. and if nothing comes from this, I'll know it's time to throw in the towel. I have learned a lot, but somehow I have never become indispensable, instead I've been a visa, or a ditto. I can be put into any situation and do okay in it, but not excellent. I want to be excellent, but for so many that have had support and have grown to become excellent - I have not quite had that support. So I am going to take what I got, keep my energy as high as possible and push this last effort as far as I can go. After this project is over, I'll know where I stand; either I am promoted to the next level or I walk out the door.
This has been quite a long post, I did miss yesterday, I was watching Prometheus and it was a good moving if I didn't think about it. There are so many loose strings and small details that can ruin the experience for anyone. So remember - If you try to put logic to Prometheus, You're going to have a bad time.
I often wonder if anyone truly reads these or if they just flash, see the text and leave. This is essentially my journal. I should break up my blogs into all the different areas rather than random spewage. Like a game/movie critique blog, I have my novel blog (which I found that the rain removes any form of inspiration and want to write from me) A journal page for just my daily activities and anything else. It would probably be far more efficient to have all these different thoughts on different pages. But that is work for another day.