Well I've been thinking. I study and love games. I thought "Hey, I should become a game reviewer in these industry tough times."
Then it occurred to me. How do I become a game reviewer? I could just buy the latest games and start reviewing them and put down the ups and downs of each one. Then another thought occurred to me. I have now money to do so. Nor do I know how to start. How should I scale it? How could I review what everyone else knows?
As I'm writing this i'm also thinking. Should I just give my two cents about the game? Try to break down the mechanics of the game and say what works and what doesn't?
I need a forums put up or I could see if Jason Elliott would put something like that on the design section of the forums of the Artery.
I should start a small discussion on the mechanics of each game and build a forum off of the discussions of these game mechanics. Personal reviews from the point of a designer that can rate a game not from it's face value, but from the knowledge of the back end of the game. Rate it based on it's quality compared to the price and how long the game was in development.
Another question raises. How am I going to get the funds to start such an endeavor? I need proper training or tutorials on how to build websites, PHP or SQL.
Due to student loans possibly not coming into effect in time, I may not be going to school again as a programmer. I'll need to get a mundane job and work on stuff at home.
I don't even know how to start an online business. I just realized that. What books can I read that will teach me that? The more I think I can do stuff on my own and force myself into the industry, the more i realize how intricate the industry is and the more I get confused and have to learn.
Getting into the industry is such a heavy rock on my shoulders I'm to stubborn to drop. I'm to stubborn to drop it because I want it to much. I want to be a part of the creation of games. I love the feeling of working with a team to creation something so many people will enjoy. It's the thought of accomplishment and the thought of people playing and loving something I was a part of. To know that a creation I was a part of is giving enjoyment to someone out there. I know I love playing them and games bring me a lot of enjoyment.
I'm on kongregate daily to see what small developers have produced and I play all the small games. From puzzles to shooters to RPG's to music games.
Which reminds me. I bought a game for the iPod classic. Song Summoner: The unsung heros. The concept I found was truly intriguing. I think that game shall be my first review. I wanted to write a little about it now but I want to finish the game before I give my review. So far it's fun and a good game for the price.
Usually I go off randomly with random topics and have to force myself back on topic, but it looks like I naturally came full circle back to my original topic. I will start writing reviews. Put them on forums and some other places because I can. It will at least give me practice for game mechanics and gameplay.
This may be my last blog for the holidays it may not be. So just in case, Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas and Happy New years.