I had my internet disconnected and that's why there are no updates. I wanted to rant about this coalition thing happening in our good old Canadian government. And I still kind of will.
I am very angry with the supporters of the coalition because this is going to do absolutely nothing for our nation. They think that this is a great idea and abuse anyone who doesn't think so. What they don't know is Ottawa politics. All the other parties want is power and they're using Harper's harsh economic policies as the cataclysm.
What people don't realize is that the Conservative party is the one most effected by this policy. The NDP and liberals immediately accused Harper of attacking democracy all because money was going to be taken out of their pockets. I come from Alberta and know first hand how selfish the liberal parties are.
We finally have a small foundation to stop the economic crisis and the selfish Ottawa parties pull this crap all because they lost another election. Now nothing is still going to get done because people are stupid. They don't realize that this is going to hurt our situation far more than they will ever benefit.
NDP destroyed the province of British Columbia's economy completely and now they wish to destroy the national economy. In Alberta we laugh at the NDP and still use B.C. as a harsh example in the failures of government. And the liberals just want to suck Alberta's money from it's coffers. it is the main income of the country. And I can tell you that the province has been Conservative all my life. It has always been moderately to the right. And it's policies have made it a strong economic powerhouse.
Eastern Canada hates us and think that our policies are completely different than what they are. However we were the first province to legalize gay marriage or union or whatever people want to call it. We have a strong health care system and we're doing it all without taxing the crap out of the citizens.
Other provinces should adopt Alberta's economic policies and become conservative because I've seen nothing but good. Sure there are some problems as every province does, but the good that comes out if it far outweighs them. I've lived in B.C. for 2 years and I've never been surrounded by more lazy people in my life. Vancouver is horrible for the corruption and illegal stuff. And the government does everything in their power to keep the people down. Wellfare is friken ridiculous to get here. they make you go through so many hoops that by the time you get it, you're dead from starvation. If I was a student part time maybe taking one class so I can get ahead in life and needed government help for that. I'm automatically rejected because I'm a student. Doesn't matter how much you make a year it matters on your status and what you're doing. If you miss one of their unemployment meeting because of an emergency, you're cut off. And I'd like to point out that this province is now governed by the Liberals. They implemented these policies and then keep them hidden as much as they can from the media. they pointed out that far less people are on wellfare because of how strong the economy is. Big lie, less people are on wellfare because they were cut off or rejected right out of the gate. That is why homelesnes is on the rise.
Vancouver is also so friken expensive to live because people are so friken greedy here. I was kicked out of my basement suite because I was paying 624 a month for it. My landlady wanted more and wrote up a notice of rent increase 6 months before she was allowed to. I pointed this out to her and the following day she gave me a notice of eviction so she could move in my place and rent her upstairs for more so she could pay for her 3rd condo which cost her 1.5 million. I lost my job because I didn't have a place to stay nor a home address to put on their records. With no job I was denied an apartment I was hoping to move into by mid october. They wanted other applicants for the apartment because I was unemployed. It was a month to month place as well and I had money saved up for the deposit as well as the first months rent. More than enough time to get another job. That was not good enough, so now I'm living with my girlfriends brother and about to go back to school because this economic crisis has made it close to impossible to get a job in my field here and I don't have the funds to move to the states nor move to another city.
Anywho that is my rant, I'm full of frustration and I'm sick and I can't talk so I needed this all out and now I feel better and this is totally a really long run on sentence. Hopefully this is not boring and hopefully people can see my point. Let Harper do what needs to be done so I can have a job and be less angry with people who are stupid and selfish. Thank you and goodnight.
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